22 Apr, 2023

New Website

Out with the old in with the new, website was looking pretty dated, after six years we all thought it was time for a refresh to showcase all the service offerings Assessment Plus (A+) can offer


Gavin Dilworth


Why the colour change?

It was an easy decision to make, Blue team (defensive) and Red team (offensive) combined makes purple.

The ability to think offensively for the betterment of defensive designs was a hard skill to aquire, why not showcase it in our new web design and logo? this simple change made us look at all our capabilities and what we could offer potential and existing customers.

The logo as well ?

Alot of thought went into the A+ logo, so that it didnt look like a grading mark, we could of kept it.

However, it just seemed as the company was heavily into cyber security the keyhole and cyber look and feel would stand out more of what we do here at Assessment Plus.

Embrace change, for it is the catalyst that propels us towards growth, discovery, and the extraordinary

Change is a good thing

It is time we celebrated our growth, changing the website design and growing into a full proffesional services company with many employee's is now something we are all looking forward to, I have no doubbt our customers are as well

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